Who am I?

The Marinière Guy is me : Vladimir, a young Chilean who loves history, trekking and proposing tourist visits in his native (and far away) Chile and France

About me

Former law student in my native Chile, after several trips in South America I ended up falling in love with visiting new places and sharing with people from all over the world.

Due to my knowledge in history and languages (English, Spanish and French) I managed to work as a tourist guide in Chile, and looking for new adventures I decided to come to France to improve my level of French and validate my knowledge as a tourist guide (Licence de Guide Conférencier) at the Université de Strasbourg.


What is the difference between the services you propose and the services of a "Tips for tours" kind of guide?

A guide for tips offers services in which his knowledge has no accreditation by any educational or governmental entity, therefore, it is normal to find in this type of visits comments that are simply legends - or outright false - but that are presented as true. This type of guides claim to have all the necessary knowledge to conduct tours, but at the same time they refuse to validate their experience (even though the law in France allows them to demonstrate their knowledge without the need of a university diploma).

An official tour guide in France (Guide Conférencier) is a person who has the validation by the French Ministries in charge of Tourism and Culture of the knowledge he/she possesses, ensuring that the information he/she provides on history, architecture, religious culture, etc. are historical facts. Undoubtedly, a guide can share a legend, but he will make it clear that is not an historical fact.

As for me, I did my studies of Guide Conférencier at the Université de Strasbourg, where I was taught a global knowledge about France, but it allowed me to know in a deeper way the history of the historical region of Alsace.

Logo Guide officiel

Why did you call yourself "Marinière Guy"?

I always associated marinières (stripped shirts) with France (well, marinières, berets and baguettes) and because I like to wear them...it seemed logical to me to be the "Marinière Guy"



Find out what my clients thought of my visits!

Would highly recommend this walking tour. Vladimir is really knowledgeable about Strasbourg’s history and helped me to understand the significance of the city. I feel like I was able to see a lot of different areas in the city which was perfect as I only had 1 day to visit. His personal stories about WWII were very interesting too.
Robert (Bob)
Robert (Bob)
Well worth your time! This was my first time here and this was my first tour in Strasbourg. I made the right choice! Vladimir is a really nice guy, very knowledgeable and a talented story teller. Loved that this was accompanied by photos, letters and incredible photos of WWII artifacts. Super interesting and again, well worth your time.
Unique, instructif, captivant. Vladimir a eu le talent de nous tenir en haleine avec l'histoire fabuleuse de Strasbourg. Melant chronologie, anecdotes historiques, dans une spontanéité démontrant un vrai amour pour cette ville l’expérience est riche. Elle en devient touchante et pleine d'émotions, quand on découvre à travers l’historie d'une vraie famille qu'il nous raconte, comment la grande Histoire a impacté les Alsaciens au 20ième siècle avec ses guerres. Vladimir a aussi captivé les enfants grâce à sa gentillesse et son dynamisme.
Laissez-vous guider les yeux fermés par Vladimir, l’on ne voit pas passer les heures, ni les kilomètres ! Vladimir est passionné et passionnant. Nous vous recommandons vivement cette expérience.
This was an excellent detailed history tour of Strasbourg! My partner has a history degree and I know absolutely nothing about history and we both enjoyed it immensely! Do not hesitate to book this tour. Vladimir was so informative, knew so much about the city, and presented the information with such enthusiasm and passion. Be ready to hear about the complicated story of this amazing city.
Génial ! Vladimir nous as offert un moment extraordinaire en sa compagnie, pour nous faire vivre cette visite sur l'histoire de Strasbourg ainsi que de l'Alsace ! Aimant l'histoire mais n'étant pas très instruit de ce côté là pour notre part, il a réussi à nous captiver du début à la fin, de par sa passion pour l'histoire de la région, de la ville et des guerres passées, qui ont fait de ce bel endroit, ce qu'il est aujourd'hui. Nous vous recommandons mille fois, ce super guide très sympathique, merci encore !
Merci à Vladimir pour cette belle découverte de Strasbourg ! C'est un guide passionné et passionnant, érudit sur l'histoire de Strasbourg. Plein d'énergie il nous a fait partager sa passion de cette ville et ne compte pas le temps passé avec les touristes ! Nous avons appris beaucoup de choses.
Yes! Absolutely book this tour! If you can, book it private (but if not, I am sure the group tour, is just as good)! Vladimir is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about sharing his knowledge. Not only at a text book fact level but also at a personal level of family stories and experiences. He does not just focus on the wars but also on the people of the area. Who they are, where they come from and how they became the people they are today. I feel so much more informed on Strasbourg, than I even could have though I would learn. If you love history and culture and most importantly learning about where you are visiting, BOOK THIS TOUR!
Vladimir is really passionate about history and Alsace. Really interesting the idea of using personal data in order to better convey the experiences of a war. A really good experience for those who like history.
Super visite ! Notre guide est passionné par son domaine et cela se sent ! Je recommande très fortement cette visite avec lui.